
Configuring Advanced Features
Configuring Advanced
GVRPGARP VLAN Registration Protocolis an application of the Generic
Attribute Registration ProtocolGARP. GVRP is defined in the IEEE 802.1Q
standard, and GARP is defined in the IEEE 802.1P standard.
Note To understand and use GVRP you must have a working knowledge of 802.1Q
VLAN tagging. (See Port-Based Virtual LANs (Static VLANs) on page 9-50.)
GVRP uses GVRP Bridge Protocol Data Units (GVRP BPDUs) to adver-
tise static VLANs. In this manual, a GVRP BPDU is termed an advertisement.
GVRP enables the Switch 2512/2524 to dynamically create 802.1Q-compliant
VLANs on links with other devices running GVRP. This enables the switch to
automatically create VLAN links between GVRP-aware devices. (A GVRP link
can include intermediate devices that are not GVRP-aware.) This operation
reduces the chances for errors in VLAN configuration by automatically pro-
viding VLAN ID (VID) consistency across the network. That is, you can use
GVRP to propagate VLANs to other GVRP-aware devices instead of manually
having to set up VLANs across your network. After the switch creates a
dynamic VLAN, you can optionally use the CLI static <vlan-id> command
convert it to a static VLAN or allow it to continue as a dynamic VLAN for as
long as needed. You can also use GVRP to dynamically enable port member-
ship in static VLANs configured on a switch.
Feature Default Menu CLI Web
view GVRP configuration n/a page 9-84 page 9-86 page 9-89
list static and dynamic VLANs
on a GVRP-enabled switch
n/a page 9-88 page 9-89
enable or disable GVRP on the
disabled page 9-84 page 9-87 page 9-89
enable or disable GVRP on
individual ports
enabled page 9-84 page 9-87
control how individual ports
will handle advertisements for
new VLANs
Learn page 9-84 page 9-87 page 9-89
convert a dynamic VLAN to a
static VLAN
n/a page 9-89
configure static VLANs DEFAULT_VLAN
(VID = 1)
page 9-57 page 9-62 page 9-89