DCP200 Profile Controller & Recorder - Product Manual
Page 116 Modbus Parameters 51-52-25-150, Issue 1 – April 2009
The following rules apply when creating a profile over communications:
Profiles must always be terminated with an end segment.
Segments cannot be added after an end segment has been added.
All changes made to the selected profile are immediately saved in the instrument.
Creating Or Editing A Profile Header
Creating Or Editing A Profile Header
Unit Address
The ID address of the instrument.
Function Code 23 17 Requires the multi read/write function.
Read Start Address High Byte 32 20
Read Start Address Low Byte 06 06
Read Quantity Of Registers High Byte 00 00
Read Quantity Of Registers Low Byte 01 01
Write Start Address High Byte 32 20
Write Start Address Low Byte 06 06
Write Quantity Of Registers High Byte 00 00
Write Quantity Of Registers Low Byte 19 13
Byte Count 38 or 40 26 or 28 38dec / 0x26hex if creating a profile at the
next available location.
40dec / 0x28hex if creating a profile at a
specified location, or editing a profile.
Command Code High Byte 67, 69 or
43, 45 or
Create Profile (CP) = 67dec / 0x43hex
Edit Profile (EP) = 69dec / 0x45hex
Write Profile (WP) = 87dec / 0x57hex
Command Code Low Byte 80 50
Profile Number High Byte
Note: The profile number is not included
in the message when creating a profile
at the next available position.
Profile Number Low Byte
Profile Name Character 1
The ASCII codes equivalent to each of the
16 characters of the profile name, e.g. :
A = 65dec / 0x41, B = 66dec / 0x42 etc
a = 97dec / 0x61, b = 98dec / 0x62 etc
Note: Only valid characters from the
instruments supported character set
should be used
The space character (32dec / 0x20hex) is
used to fill any unused characters at the
end of the name.
Profile Name Character 2
Profile Name Character 3
Profile Name Character 4
Profile Name Character 5
Profile Name Character 6
Profile Name Character 7
Profile Name Character 8
Profile Name Character 9
Profile Name Character 10
Profile Name Character 11
Profile Name Character 12
Profile Name Character 13
Profile Name Character 14
Profile Name Character 15
Profile Name Character 16
Profile Start Signal High Byte 00
0 = No delay, 1 = After delay, 2 = At