DCP200 Profile Controller & Recorder - Product Manual
51-52-25-150, Issue 1 – April 2009 Glossary Page 161
Setpoint Ramp Rate
The rate at which the actual setpoint value will move towards its target value, when the
setpoint value is adjusted or the active setpoint is changed. With ramping in use, the initial
value of the actual setpoint at power up, or when switching back to automatic mode from
manual control, will be equal to the current process variable value. The actual setpoint will
rise/fall at the ramp rate set, until it reaches the target setpoint value. Setpoint ramping is
used to protect the process from sudden changes in the setpoint, which would result in a
rapid rise in the process variable.
Settings = 1 to 9999 LSDs per hour. Default Value = OFF
Also refer to: Active Setpoint, Actual Setpoint, LSD, Manual Mode, Process Variable,
Setpoint, Setpoint Ramp Editing and Setpoint Selection.
Setpoint Selection
There can be either one or two setpoints. These can be Local Setpoint 1 or an Alternative
Setpoint chosen from either Local Setpoint 2 or a remote setpoint input from Auxiliary Input A
or B if these are fitted. The Setpoint Select parameter in the control sub-menu defines
whether the Active Setpoint will be the Local Setpoint 1 only, the Alternative Setpoint only or
if the choice of active setpoint will be made from a digital input or an Operation Mode
selection screen.
Also refer to: Active Setpoint, Alternative Setpoint, Auxiliary Input, Digital Input, Local
Setpoints, Remote Setpoint, Setpoint.
Setup Wizard
A sub-set of the Configuration Menu parameters chosen to allow inexperienced users to
easily set the instrument up for most simple applications. The parameters shown depend on
the options installed.
The Setup Wizard runs automatically at first ever power-up or whenever a Reset To Defaults
is carried out. A partial Wizard also runs whenever option modules have been changed. The
partial wizard only shows parameters affected by the changes made. The full Setup Wizard
can also be run manually from the Main Menu (this requires entry of an un-lock code).
Once completed, the Setup Wizard exits to Operation Mode.
Experts or users with more complex applications should select the parameters they wish to
set-up from the Configuration Menus instead of using the Wizard.
Refer to the Setup Wizard information in the Configuration & Use section.
Also refer to: Lock Codes, Configuration Menu, Main Menu, Operation Mode and Reset To
Solid State Relay (SSR)
An external device manufactured using two Silicone Controlled Rectifiers in reverse parallel.
They can be used to replace mechanical relays in most AC power applications. Some special
SSRs can switch DC, but most cannot. As a solid-state device, an SSR does not suffer from
contact degradation when switching electrical current. Much faster switching cycle times are
also possible, leading to superior control. The instrument’s SSR Driver output provides a
time-proportioned 10VDC pulse for to the SSRs signal input terminals. This causes
conduction of current from the line supply through the SSR to the load, when the pulse is on.
Also refer to: Cycle Time, Time Proportioning Control, Relay, and Triac.