DCP200 Profile Controller & Recorder - Product Manual
Page 92 Modbus Parameters 51-52-25-150, Issue 1 – April 2009
Output 2 or 2A
Event And Alarm
2180 0x0884 R/W
0 Event 1. Direct Acting
1 Event 1. Reverse Acting
2 Event 2. Direct Acting
3 Event 2. Reverse Acting
4 Event 3. Direct Acting
5 Event 3. Reverse Acting
6 Event 4. Direct Acting
7 Event 4. Reverse Acting
8 Event 5. Direct Acting
9 Event 5. Reverse Acting
10 Profile Running. Direct Acting
11 Profile Running. Reverse Acting
12 End of Profile. Direct Acting
13 End of Profile. Reverse Acting
14 Event 1 AND Alarm 1. Direct Acting
15 Event 1 AND Alarm 1. Reverse Acting
16 Event 2 AND Alarm 2. Direct Acting
17 Event 2 AND Alarm 2. Reverse Acting
18 Event 3 AND Alarm 3. Direct Acting
19 Event 3 AND Alarm 3. Reverse Acting
20 Event 4 AND Alarm 4. Direct Acting
21 Event 4 AND Alarm 4. Reverse Acting
22 Event 5 AND Alarm 5. Direct Acting
23 Event 5 AND Alarm 5. Reverse Acting
Output 2B Event
And Alarm Selection
2181 0x0885 R/W
Output 2B Event/Alarm Selection
0 Event 1. Direct Acting
1 Event 1. Reverse Acting
2 Event 2. Direct Acting
3 Event 2. Reverse Acting
4 Event 3. Direct Acting
5 Event 3. Reverse Acting
6 Event 4. Direct Acting
7 Event 4. Reverse Acting
8 Event 5. Direct Acting
9 Event 5. Reverse Acting
10 Profile Running. Direct Acting
11 Profile Running. Reverse Acting
12 End of Profile. Direct Acting
13 End of Profile. Reverse Acting
14 Event 1 AND Alarm 1. Direct Acting
15 Event 1 AND Alarm 1. Reverse Acting
16 Event 2 AND Alarm 2. Direct Acting
17 Event 2 AND Alarm 2. Reverse Acting
18 Event 3 AND Alarm 3. Direct Acting
19 Event 3 AND Alarm 3. Reverse Acting