screen by first pressing the appropriate C button (left C for left page
and right C for right page) to turn the cursor function on and bring the
cursor on the screen. The appropriate concentric knobs are then used to
enter the data. When a cursor is on the screen, the page name normally
shown in the lower left and right segments is replaced with a CRSR
annunciation in inverse video. Not all pages allow you to make data entry,
and therefore pressing the C button while these pages are displayed will
have no effect.
There are eight types of pages that may be displayed on the left side of
the screen and ten types of pages that may be displayed on the right side.
The abbreviations for these page types are displayed around the outside
of the left and right outer knobs. The page types are different on the left
and right sides with the exception of the NAV (Navigation) type, which
appears on both sides. To select a page type, the cursor must not be dis-
played on the side of the screen where page selection is to be made. If
the cursor is displayed, the appropriate C button must be pressed to
turn the cursor function off. To select the NAV page type on the right side,
turn the right outer knob until NAV is displayed in the lower right segment.
The order in which the page types will be displayed is the same as the
order they are positioned around the outer knob. Thus, if APT (Airport) is
displayed in the lower right segment, turning the right outer knob one step
counterclockwise or nine steps clockwise will display NAV.
Many types of pages, such as NAV, have more than one page. There are
five NAV pages for example. Once the type of page has been selected
using the outer knob, the inner knob is used to select the specific page.
For example, if NAV 3 is displayed in the lower right segment then the
NAV 3 page is being displayed in the upper right segment. To view the
NAV 1 page turn the right inner knob two steps counterclockwise or three
steps clockwise, and NAV 1 will be displayed. Some types of pages such
as VOR only have one page. Turning the inner knob while it is in the “in”
position, will have no effect on the VOR page type and other types of
pages having only one page.
If all of the information to be displayed won’t fit on a specific page, a “+”
sign is used to indicate that there is additional information of the same
kind available for viewing. The inner knob is turned to see the additional
information but the name and number of the page doesn’t change. For
example, it is not uncommon to see APT+4. The APT 4 page always dis-
plays the communications frequencies for the selected airport. If all of the
frequencies don’t fit on one page, there will be two or more APT 4 pages
used to display all of the frequencies.