means of interfacing the KLN 90B with the computer via an interface
cable. The diskettes are not returned to ASGAA. This method of update
is for use anywhere in the world that diskettes may be shipped. Directions
for updating the database using a laptop computer are contained in sec-
tion 2.4.1 of the KLN 90B Pilot’s Guide.
In order to utilize the first method of database update, exchanging the
KLN 90B cartridge, it is necessary to remove the KLN 90B from the air-
craft’s instrument panel. The KLN 90B and the mounting rack have been
designed to provide for easy removal. Follow these steps to update the
KLN 90B database by removing the old cartridge and inserting the new
• Insert the KLN 90B insertion/removal tool (supplied with unit) in the small
hole located on the right side of the front of the unit. A standard 3/32
inch Allen wrench may also be used.
• Turn the tool counterclockwise until the locking mechanism becomes
loose, and then continue turning counterclockwise until it just barely
begins to become snug. Do not turn so far counterclockwise that the
mechanism starts to bind and can no longer be turned.
• The KLN 90B should now be loose from the rack. Pull the unit out of the
the rack by pulling on the sides of the radio’s front panel. DO NOT
• Remove the old database cartridge by pulling it straight out the back of
the KLN 90B.
• Remove the new database cartridge from its shipping container. Note
that the label on the cartridge indicates which side is up and which end
to insert into the KLN 90B. Insert the new cartridge into the back of the
unit . When the cartridge is properly inserted, the “Insert To Here”
marking on the label can just be seen protruding from the rear of the
KLN 90B.
• Make sure that the front lug of the locking mechanism is in the up posi-
tion. Insert the KLN 90B back in the rack as far as it will go.
• Re-insert the insertion/removal tool. Turn the tool clockwise until snug.
The KLN 90B should now be locked back into the mounting rack.
• The container which was used to ship the new cartridge to you is used
to return the old cartridge back to ASGAA. A return shipping label is
included in the container. Remove the backing from the label and place
it in the address position of the shipping container.