13.1 General Procedures
Everything described in this manual thus far is applicable to using the
KLN 90B for flight plan operation. The following rules and considerations
apply to flight plan operation while the KLN 90B is in the leg mode:
• Although many of the KLN 90B pages may be utilized while operating
along a flight plan, common page selections are the FPL 0 page on the
left side while simultaneously displaying one of three Distance/Time
pages (D/T 1, D/T 2, D/T 3) or the NAV 5 page (navigation graphics) on
the right side. Of course the other four Navigation pages may also be
used extensively. The information contained on the Distance/Time
pages is explained later in section 13.5, “The Distance/Time Pages”.
• Always verify that you are viewing the active flight plan page (FPL 0) and
not one of the other numbered flight plan pages.
• The active leg of the flight plan is designated with a
symbol. A leg is
defined as the course line between a pair of waypoints (a “from” way-
point and a “to” waypoint). The head of the arrow is positioned to the left
of and points to the active “to” waypoint. The tail of the symbol is posi-
tioned to the left of the “from” waypoint The symbol is not displayed
unless the KLN 90B is actually receiving navigation signals suitable for
navigation. (
Note: if the unit is in the take-home mode, it has been
“tricked” into thinking it is receiving signals and therefore the
can be displayed
). Also, the
symbol will not be displayed if Direct To
navigation is occurring. If in doubt as to whether or not Direct To opera-
tion is occurring, view the NAV 1 page. If the top line shows the d
symbol instead of a “from” waypoint, then Direct To navigation is occur-
ring. If it is desired to cancel the Direct To operation and operate from
the active flight plan; press D, then press @, then press E.
• As flight plan waypoints are reached, the active leg symbol automatically
orients itself on the next leg.
• If the flight plan contains more waypoints than can be displayed on the
screen at one time, the page will automatically scroll as progress is
made along the flight plan so that the active leg is always displayed.
• The last waypoint in the flight plan is always displayed at the bottom of
the FPL 0 page, even if all of the waypoints in the flight plan can’t be dis-
played on the page at one time. To view intermediate waypoints, turn
the left cursor function on and use the left outer knob to manually scroll
through all of the waypoints, as desired. If scrolling is performed all the
way to the end of the flight plan, a blank waypoint position will exist so
that a waypoint may be added to the end of the flight plan.