Rev 2 Apr/2004
KMD 250 Pilot's Guide
Section 1
Basic Operation
Near Pos Format: Determines parameters used to display the near
position reporting when viewed in a Data Field. Can be set to
Airports+VORs, VORs only or All data.
Turn Anticipation: When turned on, turn guidance to a new course is
provided along an arc.
SUA Alerting: When turned on, a Special Use Airspace Alert Message
will be annunciated when the aircraft is approximately 10 minutes or two
miles from entering the airspace.
SUA Alerting Buffer: Defines the altitude boundary for the Special Use
Airspace at which the Alert Message is annunciated. Can be set from
300 feet to 59900 feet in 100 foot increments.
Default/WPT Char.: Defines the default first character displayed in way-
point data entry fields. Use the Rotary Knob to enter the desired
alphanumeric character.
6. Press the AUX MENU Softkey to return to the first NAV DATA SET-
TINGS Page. Now press the DONE Softkey to exit the setup.
A great way to become familiar with all the features of the KMD 250 is to
use it’s built in Demo Mode. When the KMD 250 is in the Demo Mode, it
performs as if it is receiving adequate sensor signals to use the various
functions. Units without the optional internal GPS, a pre-programmed
flight plan determined by the database type being used can be navi-
gated. Units containing the optional internal GPS can navigate any user
programmed waypoints or flight plans.
In order for the KMD 250 to function in the Demo Mode it must be used
in conjunction with a product such as the Commander 2900 from Lone
Star Aviation.
For more information on the Commander 2900-KMD 250, or to place an
order, contact:
Lone Star Aviation, Inc.
604 Wisteria Street
Mansfield, TX 76063
Phone: (682) 518-8882
FAX: (682) 518-8831
The KMD 250 is automatically put into Demo Mode when it is used with
a Commander 2900. In addition, an authorized Honeywell Service
Center may also arrange for you to put the KMD 250 into Demo Mode by
grounding the appropriate pin at the back of the unit while it is removed
from the aircraft and is connected to an appropriate power supply. The
KMD 250 must never be put into the Demo Mode when it is installed in
the aircraft.
System Setup