
Rev 4 Aug/2007 KMD 250 Pilot's Guide
Section 1
Basic Operation
A Course Deviation Indicator (CDI)
graphically displays left and right
deviation from a desired course. A
CDI can be displayed in any of the
Data Fields as shown in Figure 1-
4. The CDI’s vertical bar operates
like a navigation deviation needle
on a conventional CDI or HSI
using VOR/Localizer navigation.
An on-course indication is dis-
played when the vertical deviation
bar is centered on the triangle in the
middle of the CDI. In enroute use,
each dot represents one nautical
mile deviation from the desired
track (full scale deviation is ± 5
NM). Different CDI scales can be
set on the Navigation Setup Page.
A vertical deviation bar positioned
two dots to the right of the center
triangle indicates the aircraft is two
nautical miles to the left of course
as shown in Figure 1-5. The center
triangle also serves as the CDI’s
TO/FROM indicator and operates
in the same manner as a conven-
tional CDI TO/FROM indicator; a
triangle pointing up indicates “to”
the active waypoint while a “down” triangle
(Figure 1-6) indicates “from” the active waypoint.
The word FLAG is displayed over the CDI when
the CDI is not usable for navigation as seen in
Figure 1-7.
Figure 1-4
Figure 1-6
Figure 1-7
2 NM
Figure 1-5
General Information