Rev 2 Apr/2004 KMD 250 Pilot's Guide
Section 1
Basic Operation
If the KMD 250 is installed in
conjunction with a fuel flow
monitor, the actual fuel flow
and estimated fuel usage cal-
culations will be displayed in
white as in Figure 1-107. This
will allow the KMD 250 to cal-
culate the fuel flow for each leg
of the flight plan based on cur-
rent ground speed. If no fuel
flow monitor is used, the value
may be entered manually by
using the Joystick to select the
FFLOW field. Use the Rotary
Knob to enter the desired
value. User entered values,
and calculations based on user
entered data are displayed in
yellow as seen in Figure 1-108.
NOTE: Fuel flow values can
only be entered manually on
Page if no fuel flow monitor is
The three data columns can be
changed to reflect various types
of information for each leg. To
change the columns perform the
following steps.
1. Press the CHANGE
FIELDS Softkey to display
Figure 1-109.
2. Move the Joystick horizon-
tally to select the desired data column (in this case the first column).
3. Turn the Rotary Knob to select one of the available options from the
list. Each field can be customized to display any of the following:
4. Press the DONE Softkey when finished and the columns will now
display the selected data options.
Pressing the RESTORE DEFAULT Softkey to change the columns back
to the factory settings.
Flight Plan Operation
Figure 1-108
Figure 1-109
DIS Distance En Route
DTK Desired Track
ESA En Route Safe Altitude
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
ETE Estimated Time En Route
FUEL Estimated Fuel En Route
Leg Dis Leg Distance
Leg Fuel Estimated Leg Fuel
Leg MSA Leg Minimum Safe Altitude
Leg Time Estimated Leg Time
Sunrise Sunrise Time
Sunset Sunset Time