
Message Prompt Explanation
End of tour The end of the guard tour sequence has been reached. The tour
has been halted.
Tour halted The guard tour sequence has been manually halted. You can now
manually select cameras to the monitor.
Tour paused The guard tour is now paused. You can now step manually
forwards and backwards through the sequence.
Set tour The guard tour is now in SET mode. It can now be edited.
Inserted entry This prompt confirms that a new entry has been inserted into the
scan sequence. All entries from this point forward have moved up
by one entry position.
Sequence full The scan sequence is already full. All 99 entries have been used.
Deleted entry This prompt confirms that an entry has been deleted from the scan
sequence. All entries from this point forward have moved down by
one entry position.
Sequence empty All entries have been deleted from the scan sequence. Entry (01)
still remains as a scan sequence always has at least one camera
Seq (xx) entry =yy The camera selection for this entry position (yy) in the scan
sequence (xx) is being displayed. It cannot be changed as the
scan sequence is not in SET mode.
(xx) Set entry =yy The camera selection for this entry position (yy) in the scan
sequence (xx) is being displayed. As this scan sequence is in SET
mode, a new camera selection for this entry position (yy) can now
be entered.
Cameras only Only cameras can be entered into a scan sequence. VCRs and
other devices are not permitted.
Dwell in (sec) The text on-screen now displays the dwell period for this scan
sequence. If in SET scan mode, you can enter the new dwell
period (01-99) seconds.
Seq (xx) dwell =yy This message displays the current dwell period (yy) in seconds, for
this scan sequence (xx). It cannot be changed as the scan
sequence is not in SET mode.
(xx) Set dwell = yy This message displays the current dwell period (yy) in seconds, for
this scan sequence (xx). As this scan sequence is in SET mode,
the new dwell period (01-99 seconds) can now be entered (two
Rev. A 8-4 HMXMU001056