
Message Prompt Explanation
Set view (0-9) Enter the PTZ camera preset view number to be set (single digit).
View (xx) is set A new preset view (xx) has been entered for this camera PTZ. This
preset view now retains the current position of the PTZ.
Set view - denied This keyboard operator does not have access to set PTZ camera
preset views.
No views available This keyboard operator does not have access to PTZ camera
preset views.
Message Prompt Explanation
VCR busy The VCR is currently being used by another operator.
VCR locked The control functions for this VCR have been locked. It cannot be
controlled until it is unlocked.
No VCR control This keyboard operator cannot control the VCR.
<Stop> The stop function of the VCR is activated.
<Play> The normal-play function of the VCR is activated.
<Fast-forward> The fast-forward function of the VCR is activated.
<Rewind> The rewind function of the VCR is activated.
<Pause> The pause function of the VCR is activated.
<Slow> The slow-play function of the VCR is activated.
<Frame advance> The single-step frame advance function of the VCR is activated.
<Record> The record function of the VCR is activated.
<Preview> The preview-play function of the VCR is activated.
<Review> The review-play function of the VCR is activated.
<Power> The power on/off function of the VCR is activated.
<Eject> The tape-eject function of the VCR is activated.
<AV - select> The AV-select function of the VCR is activated.
<Display> The on screen-display function of the VCR is activated.
<Time-lapse> The time-lapse mode of the VCR is activated.
<Real-time> The real-time mode of the VCR is activated.
Rev. A 8-6 HMXMU001056