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SYS (System Status) LED
UPS Status LED
The behavior of the UPS LED depends if external power is connected or not.
External Power Present
External Power Not Present
SSD (Solid State Drive) LED
LED Behavior System State
Solid Green On
On but Backlight Off
On but Display Off
Green blinking very slowly
External power present
(1/2 sec. on, 4 1/2 sec. off)
External power present
External power not present
Green blinking slowly
External power present
(1/2 sec. on, 1 1/2 sec. off)
CPU temperature less than -20ºC, Heater warming CPU for 30 sec.
Green blinking slowly
External power not present
(1/2 sec. on, 1 1/2 sec. off)
CPU temperature less than -20ºC, Need to move unit to warmer environment
LED Behavior Status
Off No UPS charging
UPS charged
Solid Green UPS charging
Solid Amber Any charging fault
•Out of Safe Charging Temperature Range (page 3-3) Charging only occurs between
approximately -10°C and 35°C ambient temperature.
No UPS present
Charging Timeout (page 3-3) Not fully charged after 4 or 8 hours depending on
software revision.
LED Behavior Status
Off Unit off
UPS not present
Solid Amber UPS supplying power and discharging
Solid Red Approximately 2 minutes runtime until shutdown
LED Behavior Status
Flashing Green SSD read or write activity
Off No SSD read or write activity