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Entry/Exit Delays
General Information
Your system has installer-programmed time delays, known as exit delay and
entry delay. Whenever you arm your system, exit delay gives you time to
leave through the designated exit door without setting off an alarm. Exit
delay begins immediately after entering any arming command, and applies to
all modes of arming protection. If programmed, a slow beeping will sound
throughout the exit delay period.
Entry Delay gives you time to disarm the system when you reenter through
the designated entrance door. But the system must be disarmed before the
entry delay period ends, or an alarm will occur. The keypad will beep during
the entry delay period, reminding you to disarm the system. You can also
arm the system with no entry delay at all by using either INSTANT or
MAXIMUM arming modes. These modes provide greater security while on
the premises or while away for extended periods of time. See your installer
for your delay times.
As a requirement of SIA-CP-01, Entry Delay is defaulted to a delay of 30
seconds and Exit Delay is defaulted to a delay of 60 seconds.
As a requirement of SIA-CP-01, an Exit Delay Reset is designed to allow a
user to re-enter the premises to retrieve a forgotten item without triggering
an alarm. This feature may only be activated once after arming.
If enabled, when the panel is armed, the normal exit delay begins. After the
user exits, closes the door and then re-enters the premises, the exit delay
time is reset to the programmed value.
As a requirement of SIA-CP-01, there is a communicator delay of 30 seconds
in this control panel. This delay will prevent a report to the central station if
the control panel is disarmed within 30 seconds after an intrusion alarm is
triggered. This delay can be removed, or it can be increased up to 45 seconds
at the option of the user by consulting with the Installer. Note that fire-type
alarms are normally reported without delay.