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System Overview (cont’d)
A Partitioned System
Simply stated, a partitioned system shares one physical alarm system among
different users, each with their own requirements. For the most part, you as a user
need not know about other users and their structure in the system, but from time to
time, you may see display messages that indicate the system is in use by another
user. Do not be concerned, this is normal. Refer to the ACCESSING OTHER
PARTITIONS section for additional information.
Your system's sensing devices have been assigned to various "zones." For example,
the sensing device on your Entry/Exit door may have been assigned to zone 001,
sensing devices on windows in the master bedroom to zone 002, and so on. These
numbers will appear on the display, along with an alpha descriptor for that zone (if
programmed), when a fault, alarm or trouble condition occurs.
Fire Protection
The fire protection portion of your security system (if used) is always on and will
sound an alarm if a fire condition is detected. Refer to the FIRE ALARM SYSTEM
section for important information concerning fire protection, smoke detectors and
planning emergency exit routes from your house.
Carbon Monoxide Protection
Carbon monoxide (CO) protection is available with your system using the 5800CO
Carbon Monoxide Detector. The 5800CO is a 3V battery powered wireless Carbon
Monoxide Detector used with wireless alarm systems that support 5800 series
devices. Carbon monoxide gas is a highly poisonous gas which is released when fuels
are burned. It is invisible, has no smell and is therefore impossible to detect with the
human senses. We strongly suggest installing Carbon monoxide protection with your
When an alarm occurs, both the keypad and external sounders will sound, and the
keypad will display the zone(s) causing the alarm. If your system is connected to a
central monitoring station, an alarm message will also be sent. To stop the alarm
sounding, simply disarm the system.
The Swinger Suppression feature of your system limits the number of times a non-fire
zone locally annunciates and transmits an alarm report to the central station. Ask
your installer if this feature has been programmed.