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Quick Guide to System Functions (cont’d)
Delete a User Enter master/manager code.
Press CODE [8].
Enter user no. to be deleted.
Enter master/manager code.
Press 1 (Yes) at prompt.
Master & Manager level users can delete users.
A user can only be deleted by a user with higher
authority level.
Real-Time Clock
Enter Master code. Press
# +
Press [✳] or [#] to move cursor. Enter time and
date accordingly. Press any key (0-9) for
Enter security code. Press #
Enter 71 or 72.
Activate output device as programmed. Control Output
Enter security code. Press
Enter 70.
Activate output device manually
Enter security code. Press #
Enter 77.
Activate output device or system event instantly
Enter security code. Press #
Enter 41
Randomize output devices set for random
Output Device
Enter security code. Press #
Enter 42.
Randomize output devices set for random
schedules with activation times between 6 PM
and 5 AM
Enter 0. Exit multi-partition multi-panel mode and multi-
panel view mode.
Enter security code. Enter 0. Activate access relay for current partition.
Enter security code
Press [#]. Enter 73.
Request to enter or exit at a console.
Enter security code
Press [#]. Enter 74.
Enter access point number.
Request to enter or exit at an access point.
Access Control
Enter security code. Press
# .
Enter 75. Enter access point
Enter state (1-3)
Change the access point state.