Programming Function Blocks and Features
Video Recorder – User Manual 142
Table 4-49 CEMS Rolling Average Prompts
Prompt Range/Selections Definition
OFF or number Enter the output’s display limits. Output is not clamped or flashed
when it exceeds these limits.
INPUT OFF, analog
parameter, number
Input to be averaged.
RESET OFF, discrete
parameter, 0, 1
When discrete is ON(1), average is reset to zero; when ON(1)-to-
OFF(0), average restarts.
TIME UNITS Seconds, minutes,
hours, or days.
Time units of the averaging period.
AVERAGE PERIOD OFF or number Number of time units per average period.
FRAME PERIOD OFF or number Number of time units per Frame Period. Must divide evenly into
Average Period.
parameter, 0, 1
When ON(1), no samples are taken and the output is held.
If calibrate hold is set ON, the function block stops acquiring
samples; however, the averaging will continue to update for the
remainder of the average period, after which, the output value will
If calibrate hold is set ON longer than the average period, the
display will alternate between the last output value and
*****(indicating the current value is no longer valid).
If calibrate hold is set OFF and the CEM Rolling Average is not
reset, the CEM Rolling Average will continue to update every frame
period from the last value. If the CEM Rolling Average is reset, the
average value is set to zero and the displayed value will not update
until the Average period has transpired. The average value will
update every frame period.