
Video recorder – User Manual 6
Table 1-1 Specifications (continued)
Time Proportional Outputs (TPO) on digital output
Time Resolution Equals the Scan Cycle time of the recorder.
Module Only Digital outputs 1 to 5 can be configured as DAT outputs.
Synchronization Individual TPOs are not synchronized with others.
Math Calculations Standard Math package includes: 24 Calculated Values along with the following Math
functions: Free Form Math, Math Operators (+, -, x, ÷, Absolute Value, Square Root, Std.
Deviation), Free Form Logic, Logic Operators (AND, OR, XOR, Inverter, Flip Flop, One-
Shot), Inverter algorithms.
Advanced Math package includes: 64 Calculated Values with the functions from Standard
Math along with the following types of pre-packaged algorithms: Signal Select, Compare,
Signal Clamp, Periodic Timer, Interval Timer, Counter, Relative Humidity, Standard Splitter,
Constants 32
Alarms 96
Totalizers 0, 4 or 48
Control Loops Up to 8 (PID, ON/OFF, Cascade, Split, Ratio).
Auto Tune Each loop can be pre-tuned automatically to establish acceptable tuning parameters. On-
line fuzzy overshoot suppression.
Primary Displays Up to 10 displays may be assigned from the 32 formats selected among trend screens,
Bargraph screens, Panel screens, Summary screens, loop screens, Setpoint profiler
Support Displays 13 (menu access).
Type: RS-422/485, Modbus RTU protocol
Connection: 2 or 4 wire RS485.
Distance: 600 meters, (2000 feet).
Number of links: Up to 30
Baud Rate: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19.2K, 38.4K.
Parity: Selectable; odd, even, none.