72 Phone calls
The number 1 key is generally reserved for your voicemail.
Press and hold this key to call voicemail and retrieve your
voicemail messages.
Press and hold the key that is associated with the contact you
want to call.
Calling a phone number in a text message
Press HOME , and then taptap > Messages.
Tap the number or name of the person who sent you the text
Tap the phone number within the message.
4. Edit the phone number if needed, and then tap Call.
To call the message sender, press and hold the sender or the received
message, and then tap Call on the options menu.
To find out more about text messaging, see the Messages chapter.
Calling a phone number in an email
Press HOME , and then taptap > Mail.
In your email account’s inbox, tap the email that contains the
phone number to call.
In the email body, tap the phone number. A selection menu then
pops up and the phone number is highlighted.