201 Index
Ringtone 159
- setting a song 159
- trimming an MP3 159
Scenes 29
- customizing 30
- deleting 30
- renaming 30
Screen unlock pattern 186
Search 27
- web 27
- within an application 28
Settings 188
- alarm sound 117
- camera 144
- date and time 115
- display 189
- keyboard 62
- message options 70
- phone language 192
- sound 190
Shortcuts 33
Sleep mode 18
(See Text message) 201
Social network accounts 72
Speakerphone 42
Specifications 197
Speed dial 37
Status icons 19
Stocks 175
Stopwatch 112
Storage card 14, 27
- copying files 27
- inserting 14
- memory 193
- removing 14
Sync with online accounts 72
Text message 64
- deleting 69
- resuming a draft message 67
- sending 64
- viewing and replying 67
Third-party applications
- uninstalling 194
Timer 112
Time zone 115
Touch input settings 62
Twitter 85
- widget 86
Updates and events 56
vCalendar 111
- sending 111
Videos 148, 172
- capturing 144
- capturing and sharing on YouTube 173
Video supported formats 197
Voice Recorder 178
- setting a voice clip as ringtone 178
- sharing a voice clip 178
Volume 25
- adjusting the earpiece volume (for
phone calls) 25
- adjusting the media volume 25
- adjusting the ringer volume 25
VPN 123
Wallpaper 31
- changing 31
Weather 118
- adding a city 118
- changing options 119
- changing the order of a city 119
- deleting a city 119
Weather widget 119
Web browser 125
- changing the screen orientation 126
- copying text 129
- navigating web pages 126
- options 133
- selecting text 130
- setting the home page 125
Wi-Fi 121
- connecting to a network 122
- turning on or o 121
- widget 123