61 Keyboard
Entering words with predictive text
The onscreen keyboard has predictive text to help you type quickly and accurately.
Predictive text input is enabled by default, and word suggestions are displayed as you
To enter a word in predictive mode, do any of the following:
If you see the word you want highlighted in green or orange, you can simply
tap the space bar to insert the word into your text.
If you see the word you want shown in the suggestions before you have
finished typing the entire word, tap the word to insert it into your text.
If an arrow is shown to the right of the suggestion list, tap the arrow to see
more suggestions.
Adding a word to the predictive text dictionary
Your phone comes with a list of words that it references for predictive text
suggestions. Sometimes you may need to add a word to the predictive text dictionary,
for example a name or a specialized technical word.
While entering text using the QWERTY keyboard layout, if you tap any word on the
suggestion list, it is automatically added to the predictive text dictionary if it was not
in the dictionary already.
You can also add a word to the list manually:
From the Home screen, press MENU, and then tap Settings > Language &
keyboard > Touch Input.
Tap User Dictionary.
Tap Add new.
Enter the word to add, and then tap OK.
Editing or deleting a word in the user dictionary
You can edit or remove words that you previously added to the predictive text
From the Home screen, press MENU, and then tap Settings > Language &
keyboard > Touch Input.
Tap User Dictionary.
To edit a word, tap the word itself.
To delete words from the dictionary, press MENU and tap Delete. Then
choose the words to remove and tap OK.