56 People
Updates and events tab
Shows the contact’s updates and events from social network accounts like Facebook,
Twitter, and Flickr.
You’ll be able to see updates such as posted status messages, uploads, and profile
changes from all these accounts. When there is a notification of the contact’s birthday,
you can tap the notification to call the contact directly or send a message greeting.
You need to be logged in to the same social networks on your phone to see the updates and
events. If you are not logged in, tap the relevant link on the screen to sign in.
Gallery tab
Shows the contact’s Facebook and Flickr photo albums. Tap an album to look at the
photos in the album.
You need to be logged in to your Facebook and Flickr accounts to see the photo albums. If
you are not logged in, tap Link to Facebook and/or Link to Flickr.
Call history tab
Lists all your incoming, outgoing, and missed calls to and from the contact. Tap a list
item to call the contact using the displayed number.