User Manual - Configuration Guide (Volume 3)
Versatile Routing Platform
Chapter 1
DDR Configuration
Please use the following commands in the configuration mode of the designated
physical interface.
Table DC-1-1 Enable DDR in Legacy DDR mode
Operation Command
Enable DDR in Legacy DDR mode dialer in-band
This command is needed to make a call through an asynchronous serial port. For ISDN
interface, the system automatically loads this command, making manual configuration
with this command unnecessary.
Step 2: set the dial string of the interface.
The following command is needed to call only one destination through this interface.
Please use the following command in the configuration mode of the physical interface
that directly enables DDR.
Table DC-1-2 Set the dial string of the interface
Operation Command
Set the dial string of the interface dialer string dial-string [:isdn-address]
2) Call to multiple points
Step 1: enable DDR.
For configuration mode and command format, please refer to Step 1 of “Call to a single
Step 2: set different dial strings for different destinations.
Please use the following command in the configuration mode of the physical interface
that directly enables DDR.
Table DC-1-3 Set different dial strings for different destinations
Operation Command
Set different dial strings for different destinations
dialer map protocol next-hop-address dialstring [:
Can define different identifiers for ISDN interface
dialer map protocol next-hop-address dialstring [:
3) Call from Dialer Rotary Group
Dialer Rotary Group matches a logic dial interface to a group of physical interfaces. The
configurations for this logic dial interface will be inherited by the physical interfaces in
the Dialer Rotary Group. When a logic dial interface has been configured, once a
physical interface is put in Dialer Rotary Group, this physical interface will inherit all
configurations for the logic dial interface.
When Dialer Rotary Group has been configured, if multiple destinations have been set
for a logic dial interface, then any physical interface in Dialer Rotary Group can be used
to call any previously set destination.
Dialer Rotary Group applies to the interfaces with multiple calls to multiple destinations.