
User Manual - Configuration Guide (Volume 3)
Versatile Routing Platform
Chapter 3
Congestion Management
The interface adopts FIFO queuing by default.
IV. Maintaining and monitoring the custom queue
Table QC-3-17 Maintenance and monitoring of the custom queue
Operation Command
Show the custom queue status show queuing custom
Show the configuration of the custom queue at the interface show interface [type number]
Enable the custom queue debugging packets switches debug custom-queue
6) Show the status of the custom queue.
Quidway# show queueing custom
Current custom-queue-list configuration:
List Queue Args
1 0 default
3.2.3 Configuring WFQ
I. WFQ configuration task list
Configuration task of weighted fair queue is as follows:
z Configure the weighted fair queue
z Maintenance and monitoring of the weighted fair queue
II. Configuring the weighted fair queue
Perform the following task in the interface configuration mode.
Table QC-3-18 Configuring the weighted fair queue
Operation Command
Configure the weighted fair queue fair-queue [ discard-threshold [ dynamic-queue-count ] ]
Restore the managing policy of the default queue
congestion on the interface
no fair-queue
By default, FIFO is adopted as the congestion management policy.
64 bytes and
is 256 bytes by default.
III. Maintenance and monitoring of the weighted fair queue
Table QC-3-19 Maintenance and monitoring of the weighted fair queue
Operation Command
Show the configuration of the weighted fair queue show queueing fair
Enable the fair queue debugging packets switches debug fair-queue
1) Show the status of the weighted fair queue.
# show queueing fair
Current fair queue configuration:
Interface Discard threshold Dynamic queue count