
User Manual - Configuration Guide (Volume 3)
Versatile Routing Platform
Chapter 2
Configuration of HSRP
Table LC-2-6 Monitor the specified interface
Operation Command
Monitor the specified interface
standby [group-number] track interface-type interface-
number [priority-reduced]
Cancel the monitoring of the specified interface
no standby [group-number] track interface-type interface-
number [priority-reduced]
This command is used to monitor the interface specified by interface-type interface-
number, of which interface-type specifies the type of a physical interface or sub-
interface, while interface-number specifies the number of a physical interface or sub-
If the state of the interface turns unavailable, its priority will be reduced by a value
specified by priority-reduced. The value range of priority-reduced is 1~255, with 10 as
2.2.8 Using Actual Interface MAC Address
When the host uses HSRP virtual router, it uses both virtual IP address and virtual MAC
address of the HSRP virtual router. By default, each HSRP hot standby group takes the
reserved special MAC address as virtual MAC address in order to guarantee that the
hot standby group is transparent to the host. However, users can also set HSRP hot
standby group to use actual MAC address (Burned in Address
BIA) of the active router.
Please use the following commands in the Ethernet interface configuration mode.
Table LC-2-7 Set to use the actual interface MAC address
Operation Command
Use the actual MAC address. standby use-bia
Use the virtual MAC address. No standby use-bia
1. When BIA is used, the same Ethernet interface must not participate in multiple hot standby groups.
2. The use of BIA might lead to a change in the state of HSRP.
2.2.9 Modifying Virtual MAC Address
Virtual MAC addresses of HSRP hot standby group are different with different
manufacturers. Virtual MAC addresses can be modified to achieve interworking with
routers from different manufacturers.
Please use the following commands in the Ethernet interface configuration mode.
Table LC-2-8 Modify virtual MAC address
Operation Command
Set to use other virtual MAC addresses. standby use-ovmac [ xx-xx-xx-xx-xx ]
Reuse default virtual MAC address no standby use-ovmac