545196741 Rev. 2 4/30/09
IMPORTANT! Whenever you use a clear -
ing saw, brushcutter or trimmer you must
wear personal protective equipment that is
approved by the authorities. Personal
protective equipment does not eliminate
the risk of accidents, but it can reduce the
effects of an injury in the event of an acci-
dent. Ask your dealer for help when
choosing protective equipment.
Wear hearing protection that provides
adequate noise reduct ion.
Always wear approved eye protection. If
you use a visor then you must also wear
approved protective goggles. Approved
protective goggles must comply with EN
166 in EU countries.
Gloves should be worn when necessary,
e.g., when fitting cutting attachments.
Wear anti--s lip and stable boots.
Wear clothes made of a st rong fabric and
avoid loose clothing that can cat ch on
shrubs and branc hes. Always wear heavy,
long pants. Do not wear jewelry, shorts
sandals or go barefoot. Sec ure hair so it is
above shoulder level.
Personal protective equipment
WARNING: Listen out for warn-
ing signals or shouts when you are
wearing hearing protection. Always
remove your hearing protection as
soon as the engine stops.
A first aid kit should be carried by opera-
tors of clearing saws, brushcutters or trim-
IM PORTANT! The machine is only designed
for trimming grass.
The only acc ess ories you can operat e wit h
this engine unit are the cuttin g attachments
we recommend in the chapter on Technical
Neve r use the machine if you are tired, if you
have drunk al cohol, or if you are taking medi-
cation that cou ld affect your vision, your
judgement or your co--o rdination.
Wear personal protective equip ment. See in-
stru ctions under the headi ng Per sonal
protect ive equip ment.
Neve r use a machi ne tha t has been modified
in any way fro m its or iginal speci ficatio n.
Neve r use a machi ne tha t is fa ulty. Carr y out
the checks, maintenance and ser vice instruc-
tions described in this manual. Some mainte-
nance and service meas ures must be carried
out by trained and qualified speci alist s. See
instr uctions under the heading Mainten ance.
All covers and guards must be fitted before
star ting. Make sure the spar k plug cap and
lead are not damaged. Oth erwise you could
get an elect ric shock.
The machine operator must ensure that no
people or animals come closer than 15
metres wh ile wo rking. When several opera-
tors are working in the same area, the safe ty
distance should be at least 15 metres.
WARNING: Never allow children
to use or be in the vicinity of the
machine. As the machine is equip ped
with a spring--loaded stop switc h and
can be star ted by low speed and
force on the start er handle, even
small childre n und er some cir cum-
stances can produ ce the for ce neces-
sary to start the mach ine. This can
mean a ris k of seri ous per sonal inju-
ry. Therefore remove the spark plug
cap when the machine is not under
close supervis ion.