545196741 Rev. 2 4/30/09
Press the throttle lock--out and m ake sure it
returns to its original position when you re-
lease it.
Check that the throttle cont rol and throttle
lock--out move freely and that the return
springs wor k properly.
See instructions under the heading Start.
Start the machine and apply full throttle.
Release the throttle and check that the
cutting attac hment stops and remains at a
standstill. If the cutting attachment rotates
with the throttle in the idle position then the
carburettor idle setting must be checked.
See instructions under the heading
Stop switch
Make sure the engine stops when you push
and hold the stop sw itch.
Machine’s safety equipment
This section describes the machine’s safe-
ty equipment, its purpose, and how checks
and maintenance should be carried out to
ensure that it operates correctly. See the
“What is what” section to locate where this
equipment is positioned on your machine.
The life span of the machine can be re-
duced and the risk of accidents can in-
creas e if machine maintenance is not car-
ried out correctly and if ser vice and/or re-
pairs are not carried out professionally. If
you need further information please cont act
your neares t service workshop.
Throttle lock--out
The throttle lock--out is designed to prevent
accident a l operation of the throttle control.
When you press the lock--out (A) (i.e. when
you grasp the handle) it releases the
throttle control (B). When you release the
handle, the throttle control and the throttle
lock--out both move back to their original
positions. This movement is controlled by
two independent return springs. This ar-
rangement means that the throttle contr ol is
automatically locked at the idle setting.
Make sure the throttle control is locked at
the idle setting when the throttle lock--out is
W ARNING: Never use a machine
that has fault y safet y equ ipment!
Follow the control, maintenanc e
and service instr uctions described
in this section . If your mach ine fai ls
any of these checks contact your
service agent to get it rep aired.
IM PORTANT! All ser vicing and repai r work
on the machine requires sp ecial training. This
is especially tr ue of the machi ne’ s saf ety
equipment. If your mach ine fails any of the
checks described below yo u must con ta ct
your service agent. When you buy any of our
product s we guarantee the avail ability of pro-
fessional repairs and servi ce. If the retaile r
who sells your machin e is no t a ser vici ng
dealer , ask him for the address of your near-
est ser vice agent.