545196741 Rev. 2 4/30/09
Cutting equipment
This section describes how to choose and
maintain your cut ting equipment in ord er to:
S Obtain maximum cu tting performance.
S Ext end the l ife of cutting equipment.
Trimmer he a d
S Only use the recommended cutting at-
tachments . See the section on “Technical
W ARNING: A fau lty cutting at-
tachment may increase the ris k of
Only use cutti ng attachments wi th the guards
we recom mend! See the sec tion on
“Tech nical data”.
Refer to the instr uctions for the cutting attac h-
ment to ch eck the correct way to load the
trimmer line and the correct line diameter.
Always ensure the trimmer line is wound
tightly and evenly around the drum, other-
wise the machine will generate harmful
W ARNING: Always stop th e en-
gine before doing any work on the
cutting attachment. This continues
to rotate even after the throttle has
been released. Ensure that the
cutting attachment has stopped
completely and disconnect the
lead from the spark plug before
you start to work on it.
S Smaller machines generally require small
trimmer heads and vice versa. This is be-
cause when clearing using trimmer line
the engine must throw out the trimmer
line radially from the trimmer head and
overcom e the resistance of the grass
being cleared.
S The length of the trimmer line is also im-
portant. A longer trimmer line requires
greater engine power than a shorter
trimmer line of the same diameter.
S Make sur e that the cutter on the trimmer
guard is intac t. This is used to cut the
trimmer line to the correct length.
S To increase the life of the trimmer line it
can be soaked in water for a couple of
days. This will make the line tougher so
that it lasts longer.