1. InfoPrint 3000 Printer Specification Summary 2
2. Operator Responsibilities ....... 9
3. Developer Area Controls........ 21
4. Printer Control Panel ......... 23
5. Symbols and Visual Cues ....... 41
6. Remote Power Control ........ 57
7. Remote System Power Control - Duplex
Models ............. 58
8. Local System Power Control - Duplex Models 59
9. User Controls on the Monitor ...... 65
10. Submenu Icons ........... 66
11. Pre/Postprocessor Interface Options 118
12. Jam Recovery Procedures - Simplex Mode 123
13. Printer 1 Jam Recovery Procedures - Duplex
Mode ..............129
14. Printer 2 Jam Recovery Procedures - Duplex
Mode ..............131
15. IBM Supplies Worksheet........177
16. Printer Configuration Items.......221
17. Parallel Channel Attachment Items ....232
18. ESCON Channel Attachment Items ....234
19. Token Ring TCP/IP Attachment Items 235
20. Ethernet TCP/IP Attachment Items ....237
21. FDDI TCP/IP Attachment Items .....239
22. Preprocessing/Postprocessing Interface
Options .............241
23. Pre/Postprocessor Device Configuration
Items ..............243
24. Configuration Worksheet – Duplex Models 251
25. Configuration Worksheet – Simplex Model 258
26. Form Identification Worksheet ......264
27. Print Quality Symptom Table ......266
28. Miscellaneous Problems ........269
29. Printer Status Window - Status Field
Messages .............279
30. SRC Messages ...........281
31. Examples of Some Valid Form Lengths in
Inches ..............291
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