
Hard Program Checks
v For a Hard Program Check that occurs during either a power on/bring up
sequence or normal operations, do the following:
SELECT the Save Traces pushbutton to save all existing trace data to diskette,
if desired.
SELECT the Restart pushbutton. If the window does not reappear after the
completion of the Restart procedure, retry the operation in progress when the
Program Check condition occurred.
If the window reappears after the completion of the Restart procedure,
SELECT the Shutdown pushbutton.
At the completion of the Shutdown procedure, power off the system.
Switch power on to the system.
At the completion of the power on sequence, retry the operation in progress
when the Program Check condition occurred.
Call for service if the problem continues.
v For a Master Program Check occurring during a power on/bring up sequence,
do the following:
SELECT the Save Traces pushbutton to save trace data to diskette, if desired.
SELECT the Continue pushbutton.
If the window reappears, call for service.
Figure 38. Hard Program Check Window - Normal Operations
Chapter 10. Responding to Messages 273