Next Printer Switches from one simplex printer main window to the
other simplex printer main window. This pushbutton is
available only in dual simplex mode.
Cancel Job Lets you cancel the job currently being printed. In
duplex mode, both system printers must be in a Not
Ready state to cancel a job. In simplex mode, only the
individual printer must be in a Not Ready state. See
“Canceling a Job” on page 78 for more information.
NPRO Moves forms forward through the forms path. See
“Advancing Forms Using the NPRO and NPRO Page
Functions” on page 75 for more information about the
NPRO function.
2 Pull-Down Menu
A pull-down menu appears when you select a choice on the Main Window
Menu Bar. The menu contains a list of functionally-grouped procedures.
Figure 4 on page 34 shows the pull-down menu that you see if you
SELECT Operate from the Main Window Menu Bar.
3 Procedure Window
A procedure window appears when you select a procedure from a
pull-down menu. A procedure window provides you with all of the lists,
options, and pushbuttons you need to accomplish a defined procedure.
Figure 4 on page 34 shows the procedure window you see when you select
the Printer Status... procedure from the Operate pull-down menu.
Figure 10 on page 44 shows all pull-down menu procedures. It also shows
which pull-down menu you use to access each procedure. Shading
indicates the user authorization level that is required of each procedure.
“Chapter 5. Task Summary” on page 43 summarizes all of the functions
available from the pull-down menus.
Keyboard, Keypad, and Hexpad Windows
You see a keyboard (Figure 6 on page 37), keypad (Figure 5 on page 36), or hexpad
window when a procedure requires you to enter numeric or alphanumeric data.
The title bar on these windows contains the same title as the procedure window.
The following function and cursor control keys are on each type of keyboard or
OK Removes the keyboard or keypad window and displays the new
value that you entered in the procedure window-selectable field
item that called it.
Clear Clears the input from the entry field if you make a mistake, and
allows you to start over.
Cancel Cancels any entries you have made and removes the window.
Help Displays a help window that describes how the keyboard window
Insert Acts as a toggle switch between Insert and Overwrite modes. Either
the word “Insert”, or “Overwrite” appears at the right side of the
entry field.
Chapter 4. Using the Display Touch Screen 35