POST Error Codes, Messages and FRU to Failure Information 101
Table 17. POST Code - Port 80h Codes (continued)
Diagnostic LED Decoder
Note: G=Green, R=Red,
60h Off R R Off
Test 8237 DMA Controller the DMA page register test passed.
Performing the DMA Controller 1 base register test next.
65h Off A R G
Init 8237 DMA Controller the DMA controller 2 base register test
passed. Programming DMA controllers 1 and 2 next.
7Fh G A A A Extended NMI Enable: extended NMI source enabling is in progress.
80h R Off Off Off
Enable Mouse and Keyboard: the keyboard test has started.
Clearing the output buffer and checking for stuck keys. Issuing the
keyboard reset command next.
81h R Off Off G
Keyboard Interface Test: a keyboard reset error or stuck key was
found. Issuing the keyboard controller interface test command next.
82h R Off G Off
Check Stuck Key Enable Keyboard: the keyboard controller interface
test completed. Writing the command byte and initializing the circular
buffer next.
83h R Off G G
Disable Parity NMI the command byte was written and global data
initialization has completed. Checking for a locked key next
84h R G Off Off
Verify RAM Size: checking for a memory size mismatch with CMOS
RAM data next.
84h R G Off Off Check ATA cable type presence of ATAPI devices.
84h R G Off Off Display keyboard message.
16h Off G G R Display IDE mass storage devices.
17h Off G G A Display USB mass storage devices.
85h R G Off G Report the first set of POST errors to error manager.
86h R G G Off
Boot Password Check: the password was checked. Performing any
required programming before Setup next.
8Dh A G Off G OEM Patch 9.
8Dh A G Off G Set Printer RS-232 timeout
8Dh A G Off G Init FDD Devices: resetting the hard disk controller next.
95h R G Off A Lock out PS/2 keyboard/mouse if unattended start is enabled.
92h R Off G R Option ROM scan.
98h A Off Off R
Init Boot Devices: the adapter ROM had control and has now
returned control to BIOS POST Performing any required processing
after the option ROM returned control.
9Bh A Off G A
Float Processor Initialize: performing any required initialization
before the coprocessor test next.
9Eh A G G R
Enable Interrupts 0,1,2: checking the extended keyboard, keyboard
ID, and NUM Lock key next. Issuing the keyboard ID command next.