1 Introduction
Thank you for purchasing an xSeries 343 server.
Your xSeries 343 server comes with a one-year limited warranty. If you have access to the World
Wide Web, you can obtain up-to-date information about your xSeries 343 model and other IBM
server products at http://www.ibm.com/eserver/xseries.
Record your product information in this table.
Product name
Model number
Serial number
This server serial number is located on labels on the rear of the server and on the front of the server
on the bezel.
Notices and Statements Used in This Book
The Caution and Danger statements also appear in the multilingual safety information book
provided on the Documentation and Resource CD. Each statement is numbered for easy reference
to the corresponding statement in the safety book.
Descriptions of the notices and statements that appear in this book are as follows:
• Notes: These notices provide important tips, guidance, or advice.
• Attention: These notices indicate possible damage to programs, devices, or data. An attention
notice is placed just before the instruction or situation in which damage could occur.
• Caution: These statements indicate situations that can be potentially hazardous to you. A
caution statement is placed just before the description of potentially hazardous procedure step
or situation.
• Danger: These statements indicate situations that can be potentially lethal or extremely
hazardous to you. A danger statement is placed just before the description of a potentially
lethal or extremely hazardous procedure step or situation.