52 xSeries 343 Hardware Maintenance Manual
The FRU Viewer has the following menus:
File Menu
The File menu has the following options:
• Open: Opens an FRU data file for viewing.
• Save As: Saves the currently loaded FRU data to a file.
• Exit: Quits the FRU Viewer.
FRU Menu
The FRU menu has the following options:
• Properties: Displays FRU information from the BMC. These fields are display only.
• Reload: Reloads the FRU entries from the server.
The Help menu has the following option:
• Help Topics: Displays the help information for the FRU Manager Add-in.
Exiting the SSU
Exiting the SSU causes all windows to close.
• Exit the SSU by opening the menu bar item F
ile in the SSU Main window.
• Click on Exit,
• Highlight Exit, and press <Enter>.
FRU/SDR Load Utility
The Field Replacement Unit (FRU) and Sensor Data Record (SDR) Load Utility is a DOS-based
program used to update the server management subsystem’s product level FRU, SDR, and the SM
BIOS (SMB) nonvolatile storage components (EEPROMs). The load utility:
• Discovers the product configuration based on instructions in a master configuration file
• Displays the FRU information
• Updates the nonvolatile storage device (EEPROM) associated with the Baseboard Management
Controller (BMC) that holds the SDR and FRU area
• Updates the SMB area located in the BIOS nonvolatile storage device
• Generically handles FRU devices that may not be associated with the BMC