Ethernet Interface Cannot Be Found On The Network
8. At the command prompt, enter eng -A to view the print queues
just entered.
9. Enter qprt -Pqueuename filename to send a job to the
Unix Troubleshooting Tips
This section provides information on possible solutions to some
standard configuration errors. If you require technical support,
please have as much of the following information available when
you call:
1. Level of software are you running.
2. Type of attachment do you have.
3. Your host operating system.
4. How often, and when the problem occurs.
5. A detailed description of the problem.
6. A detailed description of your network and the components
Ethernet Interface Cannot Be Found On The
• Have you configured the Ethernet Interface with a unique and
valid IP address which corresponds with the other IP addresses
on your network? For example, are you sure no other device is
using this IP address?
• Are you sure you are trying to talk to the Ethernet Interface
from a Unix station on the same subnet? Currently, the print
server can only be seen locally unless you configured it with a
routing entry.