Setting Up Printing For ASCII Files
Figure 29. Automatic Remote Output Queue Configuration
3. Enter values for the following parameters:
Output Queue (OUTQ)
The name of the iSeries output queue. The name can be
anything you would like. This name is not the same as the
printer internal queue name, ‘d1prn’.
Remote System (RMTSYS)
Internet address of the Ethernet Interface on the printer
(*INTNETADR prompts you for this) or the hostname of the
Ethernet Interface.
Object type *DTAARA, *DTAQ,
User driver program *NONE Name, *NONE
Text ‘description’ *BLANK
Additional Parameters
Display any file *NO *NO, *YES, *OWNER
Job separators 0 0-9, *MSG
Operator controlled *YES *YES, *NO
Data queue *NONE Name, *NONE
Libary Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
Authority to check *OWNER *OWNER, *DTAAUT
Authority *USE Name, *USE, *ALL,