
Chapter 6 Novell Host Configuration
npsh.exe performs the following:
npsh nvplist
Lists all of the Ethernet Interface devices on the network; each
name is in the following format:
For the Ethernet Adapter, the default is M_xxxxxx
where xxxxxx represents the last six digits of the network adapter's
Ethernet address (e.g., M_091C1A). This is regardless of whether it
is configured as a PSERVER or as an RPRINTER.
npsh <unitname>
Starts a Telnet-like session with the named print server, allowing
you to configure, monitor, and troubleshoot the unit with the built-in
command set.
npsh <unitname> <command>
Initiates a single command with guest access only to the unit
instead of entering into a complete session.
To communicate with the unit using npsh.exe:
1. From a DOS prompt on a Novell workstation, begin an npsh
session with the unit:
npsh unitname
Starts a Telnet-like session with the named print server with
guest access only.
2. To obtain root access to the unit, type:
A standard login screen displays prompting you for the login
name and password.
3. Log in to the unit as root user:
NOTE: Root users require the use of a password as configured in
the unit user list.