
To replace a p ower supply in the 4/64 SAN Switch:
1. If the switch will remain powered on, verify that the functioning power supply
(the one not being replaced) has been powered on for at least four seconds and
displays a gr
een LED.
2. If the power s
upply you are replacing is not already powered off, press the AC
power switc
htopoweritoff.SeeFigure 34 for the location of the AC power switch
and a list o
f power supply components.
3. Unplug the power cord from the power supply you are replacing.
4. Using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the captive screw on the p ower supply you
are repla
5. Remove t
he power supply from the chassis by pulling its handle out and away
from th
6. Orient the new power supply as shown in Figure 34,withtheACpowerreceptacle
on the left.
7. Gently push the power supply into the chassis until it is firmly seated.
SAN Switch installation guide