
A m od e in which an L_Port in a loop is inactive and cannot
arbitrate or send frames, but can retransmit any received
transmissions. This mode is entered if there are more than 127
devices in a loop and an AL_PA cannot be acquired. See
also L_Port,???.
Nx_Port AnodeportthatcanoperateasanN_PortorNL_Port.
packet A set of information transmitted across a network.
A mode in which an L_Port in a loop has a valid AL_PA and can
arbitrate, send frames, and retransmit received transmissions.
path selection The selection of a transmission path through the fabric. HP
switches use the FSPF protocol for transmission path selection.
phantom address An AL_PA value assigned to a device that is not physically
in the loop. Also known as phantom AL_PA. See also ???,
phantom device.
phantom device A device that is not physically in an arbitrated loop but is
logically included through the use of a phantom address. See
also phantom address.
PLOGI Port login. The port-to-port login p rocess by which initiators
establish sessions with targets. See also FLOGI.
point-to-point An FC topology that employs direct links between each pair of
communicating entities. See also buffer-to-buffer flow control.
port cage The metal casing extending out of the FC port on the switch
and into which a GBIC or SFP transceiver c an be inserted.
Port_Name The unique identifier assigned to an FC port. It is communicated
during login and port discovery.
POST Power-on self-test. A series of diagnostic tests run by a switch
after it is powered on.
primary FCS
Primary Fabric Configuration Server switch. The switch that
actively manages the configuration and security parameters
for all switches in the fabric.
private loop An arbitrated loop that does not include a participating FL_Por t.
private NL_Port An NL_Port that com municates only with other private N L_Ports
public device A device that supp orts arbitrated loop protocol, can interpret
8-bit addresses, and can log in to the fabric. See also
arbitrated loop.