
1. If startup NetCCSID is 932 or 942, detected network, Shift JISs CCSID is the
same as startup NetCCSID. Otherwise, Shift JISs CCSID is 943.
Startup NetCCSID Shift JIS (JCD detected CCSID)
---------------- ------------------------------
932 932
942 942
943 943
5052 943
5054 943
5050 943
2. Netscape Navigator 3.x sends the alphanumeric characters by using JIS X 0201
Roman escape sequence (CCSID 5052) for ISO-2022-JP. Netscape Communicator
4.x sends the alphanumeric characters by using ASCII escape sequence (CCSID
5054) for ISO-2022-JP.
3. JCD function has the capability to detect EUC and SBCS Katakana, but it is
difficult to detect them. IBM
recommends that you do not use SBCS Katakana
and EUC in CGI.
4. CCSID 5026 assigns lowercase alphabet characters on special code point. This
often causes a problem with lowercase alphabet characters. To avoid this
problem, do one of the following:
v Do not use lowercase alphabet literals in CGI programs if the FsCCSID is
v Use CCSID 5035 for FsCCSID.
v Use the Charset/CCSID tag as illustrated in the following excerpt of a CGI
printf("Content-Type: text/html; Charset=ISO-2022-JP\n\n");
v Do the code conversions in the CGI program. The following sample C
program converts the literals into CCSID 930 (the equivalent to CCSID 5026)
printf("Content-Type: text/html\n\n);
#pragama convert(930)
printf("This is katakana code page\n");
#pragama convert(0)
5. When the web client sends a charset tag, the network CCSID becomes the
ASCII CCSID associated with Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)
charset header. The charset tag ignores the JCD detected CCSID. When the
Charset/ccsid tag is in the Content-Type header generated by the CGI program,
the JCD-detected CCSID is ignored by this charset/ccsid. Stdout will not
perform a conversion if the charset is the same as the MIMEs charset. Stdout
will not perform a conversion if the CCSID is ASCII. Stdout will perform code
conversion if the CCSID is EBCDIC. Because the environment variables and
stdin are already stored in FsCCSID, ensure that you are consistent between the
FsCCSID and the Content-Type headers CCSID.
CGI Output Conversion Modes
The CgiConv mode includes an output mode. This section explains CGI output
conversion modes in more detail.
Chapter 1. Writing Common Gateway Interface Programs 9