The structure in which to return error information. For the format of the
structure and for details on how to process API errors, see the programming
topic in the AS/400 Information Center.
Error messages
Severe Error while addressing parameter list.
CPF3021 E
The value specified for the argument is not correct.
Error occurred with input data parameter.
Error code parameter not valid.
CPF3408 E
The address used for an argument is not correct.
CPF3460 E
Storage allocation request failed.
CPF3474 E
Unknown system state.
CPF3484 E
A damaged object was encountered.
Note: The Environment Variable APIs provide the putenv() (Put Value in
Environment Variable) function necessary to set (or create and set) an
environment variable. Therefore, programs written in ILE/C do not need to
use the QtmhPutEnv() API. This API, for ILE/C, is more difficult to use (and
is slower) than the putenv() API on which it is based.
Read from Stdin (QtmhRdStin) API
Required Parameter Group:
1 Receiver variable Output Char(*)
2 Length of receiver variable Input Binary(4)
3 Length of response available Output Binary(4)
4 Error Code I/O Char(*)
The QtmhRdStin API allows CGI programs that are written in languages other than
C to read from stdin. CGI programs read from stdin when the request from the
browser indicates the method that is POST. This API reads what the server has
generated as input for the CGI program.
CGI input data is only available from standard input when the client request
is submitted with method POST. There are no standard input data when the
method is GET or HEAD. In addition, the Content_Length environment
variable is set only when the Request_Method is POST.
Chapter 2. Application Programming Interfaces 27