Convert to DB (QtmhCvtDB) API
Required Parameter Group:
1 Qualified database file name Input Char(20)
2 Input string Input Char(*)
3 Length of input string Input Binary(4)
4 Response variable Output Char(*)
5 Length of response variable Input Binary(4)
6 Length of response available Output Binary(4)
7 Response code Output Binary(4)
8 Error Code I/O Char(*)
The QtmhCvtDB API provides an interface for CGI programs to parse CGI input,
defined as a series of keywords and their values, into a buffer which is formatted
according to a DDS file specification. CGI input data, which comes to the CGI
program as character data, will be converted by the QtmhCvtDB API to the data
type defined for the keyword by the corresponding field name in the input DDS
file. AS/400 language statements, such as the ILE C #pragma mapinc statement,
provide the ability to map the returned structure with field names defined in the
DDS file. See the appropriate language user’s guide for details.
Note that the QtmhCvtDB API is not allowed in CGI mode %%BINARY%%.
The following DDS field types are handled:
A Alphanumeric (see note 1)
P Packed Decimal (see note 2)
S Zoned Decimal
F Floating Point
T Time
L Date
Z Timestamp
B Binary (see note 3)
These DDS field types are not handled:
H Hexadecimal (see note 4)
G Graphic (see note 5)
J DBCS (see note 5)
E DBCS (see note 5)
1. The VARLEN keyword is not supported.
2. When using a packed decimal field, the #pragma mapinc() must use _P the
option, to create a packed structure.
30 Web Programming Guide V4R5