
Attribute Name Contents
acl The list of authorization roles that enables an administrator to
modify the event.
adapter_host The host on which the adapter is running.
administrator The administrator who acknowledged or closed the event.
The cause_date_reception attribute is used to link an effect event to
its cause event. This value is set to the value of the date_reception
attribute of the cause event.
cause_event_ handle The cause_event_handle attribute is used to link an effect event to
its cause event. This value is set to the value of the event_handle
attribute of the cause event.
credibility Indicates how the event was sent from the adapter. The value is 1 if
an event was sent using a communications channel provided by
Tivoli Management Framework services, as is the case for a TME
adapter. The value is zero (0) if an event was sent from a non-TME
date The date and time the event was generated.
date_reception A time stamp indicating the time the event server received the
event. It is an integer representing the number of seconds since the
epoch, which is January 1, 1970. This value is also used as a
component to uniquely identify an event. An event is uniquely
identified by a combination of the values for the date_reception,
event_handle, and server_handle attributes.
duration For closed events, the age (in seconds) of the event from when it
was received by the event server until it was closed. For all
non-closed events, the value is zero (0).
Note: If an event was closed by calling the set_event_status
predicate from within a rule, this attribute is not modified to give
the age. The value remains at zero (0).
event_handle A number used to reference the event. An event is uniquely
identified by a combination of the values of the date_reception,
event_handle, and server_handle attributes. Events received within
the same second are assigned an incremental number for this
attribute starting at 1 and incremented by 1.
hostname The name of the system on which the event occurred.
msg A text summary of the event.
msg_catalog For future support of internationalized event messages; not
currently implemented.
msg_index The message ID used to obtain the internationalized message.
num_actions The number of actions (tasks or programs) currently being tracked
by the event server for this event.
origin The protocol address or host name of the source system.
repeat_count A counter for keeping track of the number of times a duplicate type
of event has been received.
server_handle A number identifying the event server that received this event. An
event is uniquely identified by a combination of the values for the
date_reception, event_handle, and server_handle attributes.
Chapter 1. Understanding Adapters 5