
The AS/400 adapter package also consists of the following commands, which are
copied into QSYS upon installation of the product:
STRTECADP Starts an AS/400 adapter.
Ends an AS/400 adapter.
Before starting the event server and an AS/400 alert adapter, check the
configuration file to determine if it defines the preferred adapter behavior.
Configuration File
The configuration file for the AS/400 alert adapter defines the behavior of the
adapter, which runs as a job on the AS/400.
A configuration file is created during the installation of the AS/400 alert adapter.
The name of this file is
that is required to be set is ServerLocation. All other keywords have default values
that are used if values are not specified.
The configuration file can contain the common keywords described in
Configuration Fileon page 9, as well as the following adapter-specific keywords:
AdapterType Specifies the type of resource to be monitored. The default value is
MSGQ if this keyword is not defined, meaning that the adapter
monitors a message queue. The value provided in the
configuration file is ALERT.
Specifies the CDS file to be used for the AS/400 alert adapter. This
file can reside in either the QSYS or IFS name space, but the path
must be specified in IFS notation, for example:
The default is the following:
BufEvtPath Specifies the path and name of the buffer file for the AS/400 alert
adapter. The default path is /etc/Tivoli/tec, and the default buffer
file name is the value specified for the adapter name on the
AS/400 command (STRTECADP), used to start the adapter.
Note: If an AS/400 alert adapter attempts to open a buffer file that
is in use by another adapter, the adapter (which runs as a
batch job) attempting to open the file ends.
Filter The name of the AS/400 alert filter to be monitored. The default
The specific data queue that the adapter is to monitor for incoming
alerts. If the alert filter is registered with the system, this keyword
is required and the data queue must be created by the user before
the AS/400 alert adapter is started. This keyword is optional if the
alert filter defined by the Filter keyword is not registered with the
system, or if the Filter keyword is not specified.
24 IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console: Adapters Guide