
Before starting the adapter, check each adapter file to determine if it defines the
behavior you want from the adapter.
Configuration File
The configuration file defines the behavior of the adapter, which runs as a server
daemon. The configuration file can have the common keywords described in
Configuration Fileon page 9, as well as the following adapter-specific keywords:
Specifies the full path name of the object identifier file. This
keyword is required if the object identifier file is not in the same
directory as the configuration file.
SNMP_PORT Specifies the port where the adapter listens for SNMP requests.
SNMP_TRAP Specifies the port where the adapter listens for SNMP traps. Only
change this value if the producers of events are configured to send
to the alternate port.
Class Definition Statement File
The CDS file defines how events are constructed from information sent by SNMP.
It is described in detail in Class Definition Statement Fileon page 18 and in
Appendix C, Class Definition Statement File Reference on page 155.
SNMP Event Example
CLASS Port_Segmenting_CBT
2:$SPECIFIC=258 ;
3:ATTR(=,"boardIndex") ;
4:ATTR(=,"portIndex") ;
hostname=$F1 ;
boardIndex=$V3 ;
portIndex=$V4 ;
sub_origin=PRINTF("board %s, port %s", $V3, $V4) ;
status=CLOSED ;
To customize events, use the following keywords in class definition statements.
Event definition content and syntax are described in the IBM Tivoli Enterprise
Console Rule Builders Guide.
Specifies the trap community string.
Specifies the enterprise object identifier of the object generating the
Specifies the value of sysUpTime of the object generating the trap.
$TYPE Specifies the generic trap type number (0-6).
$SPECIFIC Specifies the enterprise-specific trap type number.
Specifies the address of the object sending the trap.
84 IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console: Adapters Guide