
2. Microsoft SNA Client Version 2.11 is not already installed on your DB2
Connect workstation.
To configure the Microsoft SNA client perform the following steps:
Step 1. Obtain Required Information
For your Microsoft SNA client software to function properly you must have
access to a properly configured Microsoft SNA Server. Request that your SNA
Server administrator:
Step 1. Obtain the proper license for you to use Microsoft SNA Client on
your workstation.
Step 2. Define a user ID and password for you on the SNA Server domain.
Step 3. Define connections to the host and AS/400 databases that you need
to access, as described in “Configuring Microsoft SNA Server for
Windows NT” on page 79.
Step 4. Provide you with the symbolic destination name (16), database
name (5), and user account to use for each database connection
defined in the previous step.
If you plan to change host passwords, the SNA administrator will
also need to provide you with symbolic destination names for
password management tasks on each host.
Step 5. Provide you with the Microsoft SNA Server domain name and the
protocol used for communicating with the SNA server (TCP/IP,
Step 2. Install the Microsoft SNA Client on the DB2 Connect Workstation
1. Obtain the Microsoft SNA Client software, and follow its instructions to
start the installation program.
2. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation. Choose
your SNA Server domain name and communication protocol according to
the instructions provided by your SNA Server administrator.
3. When you reach the Optional Components window, deselect Install
ODBC/DRDA driver so that it will not be installed.
4. Complete the installation.
Step 3. Install DB2 Connect for Windows
Step 1. Install DB2 Connect.
Step 2. Open the DB2 Folder, and click on the Client Configuration
Assistant to start the configuration dialog.
Step 3. Click on the Start button and select Programs->DB2 for Windows
NT->Client Configuration Assistant.
Step 4. You need to provide the following information:
90 Quick Beginnings