1. Set your Web browser to the following URL:
2. Select ″DB2 Universal Database″.
3. Search for ″Technotes″ using the search keywords ″DDCS″, ″SPM″,
″MTS″, ″CICS″, and ″ENCINA″.
Enabling Multisite Updates Using the Control Center
As of Version 6, you can use the Control Center to provide multisite update.
The procedure is very simple, and is outlined below. For more information
about the multisite update configuration process, including how to configure
your system manually, refer to the on-line Connectivity Supplement.
Starting the Multisite Update Smartguide
From the Control Center, click on the [+] sign to expand the tree view. With
the right mouse button, select the instance that you wish to configure. A
popup menu opens. Select Multisite Update->Configure from this menu.
Smartguide Steps
The Smartguide provides a notebook-type interface. Each page of the
notebook will prompt you for certain information about your configuration.
The pages are shown below in the order in which you will encounter them.
Step 1. Specify a Transaction Processor (TP) monitor.
This field will show the defaults for the TP Monitor you have
enabled. If you do not wish to use a TP monitor, select Do Not Use a
TP Monitor.
Step 2. Specify the communications protocols you will use.
Step 3. Specify a Transaction Manager database.
This panel defaults to the first database you connect to (1ST_CONN).
You can leave this default or select another catalogued database.
Step 4. Specify the types of database servers involved in the update, and also
whether or not TCP/IP is to be used exclusively.
Step 5. Specify the Syncpoint Manager settings.
This page will only appear if the settings on the previous page
indicate that you need to use DB2’s Syncpoint Manager in a multisite
update scenario.
Testing the Multisite Update Feature
Step 1. Select the instance with the right mouse button and choose the
Multisite Update->Test menu option from the pop-up menu. The
Test Multi-Site Update window opens.
Chapter 8. Enabling Multisite Updates (Two-Phase Commit) 101