
v To specify a service TP, in the TP name field, type in the name
of the service TP, for example 076DB, and ensure that there is a
check mark in the Service TP check box.
Accept the defaults for the other fields.
f. Click on OK.
Step 9. Save the Configuration
a. Select File->Save as from the menu bar. The Save As window
b. Type in a file name, for example ny3.acg
c. Click on OK.
d. In the window that opens you are asked if you want this
configuration to be the default. Click on the Yes push button.
Step 10. Update the Environment
IBM Personal Communications uses an environment variable called
appcllu to set the default APPC Local LU. You may set this variable
on a per-session basis by opening a command window and typing
set appcllu=local_lu_name, however you will probably find it more
convenient to permanently set the variable. In order to permanently
set the variable in Windows NT, complete the following steps:
Step a. Click the Start push button and select Settings->Control
Panel. Double-click on the System icon. When the System
Properties window appears, select the Environment tab.
Step b. Type appcllu in the Variable field, and type your local LU
name (11)intheValue field.
Step c. Click Set to accept the changes then click OK to exit the
System Properties window.
The environment variable will now remain set for future sessions.
Step 11. Start SNA Node Operations
To start SNA node operations on your machine, complete the
following steps:
Step a. Click on the Start push button, then select Programs->IBM
Communications Server->SNA Node Operations. The
SNA Node Operations window opens.
Step b. From the menu bar, click on Operations and select Start
Node. In the dialog box that opens, select the configuration
file you saved at the end of Step 2 (in our example,
ny3.acg). Click OK.
SNA node operations will now begin running.
Step 12. Registering Communications Server as a Windows NT Service
Chapter 7. Configuring APPC Communications on the DB2 Connect Workstation 75