
Chapter 4. Tuning the operating system 99
Draft Document for Review May 4, 2007 11:35 am 4285ch04.fm
There is another useful system command, /sbin/service, that enables an administrator to
immediately change the status of any registered service. In a first instance, an administrator
should always choose to check the current status of a service (sendmail in our example) by
issuing this command:
/sbin/service sendmail status
To immediately stop the sendmail daemon in our example, use this command:
/sbin/service sendmail stop
The service command is especially useful to immediately verify whether a daemon is needed,
as changes performed via chkconfig will not be active unless you change the system run level
or perform a reboot. However, a daemon disabled by the service command will be re-enabled
after a reboot. Should the service command not be available with your Linux distribution
there is always the possibility to start or stop a daemon via the init.d directory. Checking the
status of the CUPS daemon for instance could be performed like this:
/etc/init.d/cups status
Similarly, there are GUI-based programs for modifying which daemons are started, as shown
in Figure 4-1. To run the service configuration GUI for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, click Main
Menu System Settings Server Settings Services or issue this command:
Figure 4-1 Red Hat Service Configuration interface
Novell SUSE systems offer the same features via the YaST utility. In YaST the service
configuration can be found under System System Services (Runlevel). Once in the
service configuration we suggest to use the expert mode in order to accurately set the status
of the respective daemon. Running YaST in runlevel 3 would look as shown in Figure 4-2 on
page 100.
Tip: Instead of wasting precious time waiting for a reboot to complete, simply change the
run level to 1 and back to 3 or 5, respectively.
To change the current state,
highlight the daemon and
click Stop.
The check mark indicates the
daemon will start at the next