ABBREV (Abbreviation)
returns 1 if info is equal to the leading characters of information and the length of info is not less than
length. Returns 0 if either of these conditions is not met.
If you specify length, it must be a positive whole number or zero. The default for length is the number of
characters in info.
Here are some examples:
ABBREV('Print','Pri') -> 1
ABBREV('PRINT','Pri') -> 0
ABBREV('PRINT','PRI',4) -> 0
ABBREV('PRINT','') -> 1
ABBREV('PRINT','',1) -> 0
Note: A null string always matches if a length of 0 (or the default) is used. This allows a default keyword
to be selected automatically if desired; for example:
say 'Enter option:'; pull option .
select /* keyword1 is to be the default */
when abbrev('keyword1',option) then ...
when abbrev('keyword2',option) then ...
otherwise nop;
ABS (Absolute Value)
returns the absolute value of number. The result has no sign and is formatted according to the current
NUMERIC settings.
Here are some examples:
ABS('12.3') -> 12.3
ABS(' -0.307') -> 0.307
returns the name of the environment to which commands are currently being submitted. The environment
may be a name of a subcommand environment. See the ADDRESS instruction (page “Purpose” on page
132) for more information. Trailing blanks are removed from the result.
Here are some examples:
ADDRESS() -> 'CICS' /* default under CICS */
ADDRESS() -> 'EDITSVR' /* default under CICS editor */
ARG (Argument)
Chapter 14. Functions 175